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Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

A couple of years ago, okay, more specifically when I was in grade nine, so let's rewind almost nine years ago, (holy, am I really that old?) I gave up eating potato chips.  If there is one thing my family loves it is potato chips, including myself.  I loved them so much, I would grab a bag a day.  Yes, this is embarrassing to admit, because honestly, just thinking of what I was putting in my body back then, in my primal years of develop, holy that's gross.  However, I learnt my ways.  As I said though, potato chips and I were best friends, even lovers, and I cut him out cold turkey.  I couldn't make do with just seeing his face one in a while, so I said goodbye, and have not said hello since.

Over the years, of course I've missed out on gobbling down on Sour Cream and Onion, All Dressed, Barbecue, Dill Pickle and other of my favourites, but I've found other snacks that have allowed me to substitute those cravings onto healthier versions.  This is where my favourite snack comes into play: kale chips.

Kale, just like tofu and oatmeal is incredibly versatile.  Sure, you can make a kale salad, or toss them in a soup so it's like spinach, add them into your smoothies for a boost of green, stir pieces into a stir-fry etc... these are all very tasty, however my favourite comes to the crunchy, crispy, crackly kale chip.  I love them because, you can make them sweet, salty, tart, spicy, earthy, etc... whatever flavour you want you can make them into.  I make a batch about once or twice a week.  I absolutely love them.  Especially when I am bored, and just want something to snack on (not something I should be doing I know), these little buggers couldn't be a better option to choose in a time like that.

The other day as I was perusing I came across a recipe for a salt and vinegar version.  Salt and vinegar were never a favourite of mine when it came to potato chips, however, my mom really likes them, and over the years I've become more of a fan with salt, especially when mixed with vinegar so I figured hey, why not give it a try.  Holy, am I glad I gave these bad boys a try.  When I think about kale chips, I always think about my top, top favourite version - Chocolate Coconut Kale Chips, now when I think about kale chips it will be the above, as well as this Salt and Vinegar version.  These are so wonderful, especially that wine vinegar is used, it just has the perfect zing, with the right amount of salt, ah it's delicious.  If you're a fan of salt and vinegar, this I'm sure will be right up your alley!  Go on and give these a try!

Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

Recipe taken from here

  • 1-2 bunches of kale ~ 6 ounces of washed, trimmed, chopped
  • 1 tbsp Extra Virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • Sea salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350.

Place kale in a large bowl; drizzle olive oil over kale, and using hands, toss oil with kale until all the leaves are evenly coated. Drizzle vinegar over kale and toss with hands to coat the leaves.

Spread kale leaves evenly in one layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake for 15-25 minutes, shaking the pan now and then and checking to be sure the leaves are crisping up the way you'd like. 

Transfer kale to a bowl, and sprinkle with kosher salt to taste (start with about 1/4 tsp and work from there). Devour!

What are some of your favourite kale chip combinations?

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