I love fall though. I'm so happy it's arriving... tonight. It already feels like fall though. The leaves on the trees have began to start changing. Cans of pumpkin and beautiful hues of burnt orange have started flooding the supermarkets. Getting home, hopping into my pjs while sitting around the fire place with a nice cup of tea. Just, it really is a nice time. It's my favourite time of year because it means I get to bundle up and not look like a tart for being in pants and a sweat shirt in the middle of the summer.
When I found this recipe I knew it was a, I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW sort of recipe. Last year was the first time I had apple pie. A little ridiculous right? I'm really not a pie person though, I'm a cake girl ALL THE WAY. I mean, I've been seen on a few occasions to make a cake and eat 3/4 of it in one sitting... gross I know but it's like a bag of popcorn to me, I just cannot stop wolfing it down. I stop and tell myself NO MORE SAM, that's enough! I walk away, then I peer over the corner of the wall, walk a little closer, take the bowl off the cake, and allow myself just one more bite, then 10, then another slice, then the whole ordeal starts over and over again. This recipe was sort of like that. I had a bite of filling. Then another. Then filled the ravioli's and oh darn... there's some filling left? Not a problem, I know what to do with that! Gulp, gulp, gulp, and before I knew it the bowl was empty. I almost contemplated licking the bowl but that my friend would of just been too... gross.

I changed up the recipe a bit though. I've never been a pie person, as stated above, and I've seen people make some really odd apple pie choices. Jordan for instance, when he eats his pie puts cheddar cheese on top and melts it. I'm really iffy about dairy with fruits. Well... that's not true, I mean I'll make smoothies and milkshakes or what not, but cheese... Cheese to me is pasta or bread not bread, fruit and cheese. I don't know... it does look and smell delicious when he does it however. After having the warm ooey-gooey apple with cottage cheese I think I might of been won over. I promise next time I have the luxury of having some apple pie I will try it with cheddar cheese! Until then, I can at least say I tried some sort of cheese with my apples!
Enough talking for today? I think so. Now onto this gift of a recipe!
Recipe inspired from here
- 2 small Gala apples
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1/8 tsp cloves
- 1/2 tbsp brown sugar
- 3/4 tsp cinnamon
- 2 tbsp cottage cheese
- 5 egg roll wrappers
- Cinnamon
- Sugar

In a medium sauce pan, cook the apples, brown sugar, cinnamon and cloves in the apple cider vinegar until the apples have softened. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
When the apples have cooled mix with your cottage cheese.
To assemble, brush two egg roll wrappers with water or egg wash. Place a heaping amount of your mixture in the centre of one wrapper, and top with the other, make sure all of your edges are sealed. Use a cookie cutter or keep as regular shape. I decided to trace heart shapes on the ravioli and make them really cute.
Sauté until lightly browned, or poach them into boiling water until the rise to the surface, that's when you know they're ready. Drain and sprinkle generously with cinnamon and sugar.
Serve warm, maybe even with a spoonful of ice cream? I made this as a lunch however, and decided to eat it with Vietnamese tofu rolls, weird sort of mix I know.

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